from Latin praedict- created known ahead, declared, by the verb praedicere, from prae- ahead dicere say.
To forecast something means to state (know) that something will happen, before it do happen.

The traders (and economists) community all around the world is and has been always divided in two:

On one side, the traders who think market is simply unpredictable, then its future movements can't be forecasted (random walk theory, in accord with the efficent market hypothesis).

On the other side, the traders who believe that market is predictable, and its own future movements can be forecasted with numerous methods.

I'm in the markets from a decade and in the past I've been on either side and changed between them several times, as for NOW, I am in the unpredictable believer group.

Even though the community is complete (actually, I would say 95% are) of predictable-market believers, the truth is that thus far nobody in the whole trading history has revealed to be able to forecast the market in any way.
A predictable market must able to be forecast constantly, a trader who may forecast exactly what the market will perform would have only winning transactions.

Let us presume that the future market movements can't be predicted***.
Sure we can guess where market will go, but eventually we always have only a 50% likelihood of be right in our guessing.

And here start this thread, how do we create profit from an unpredictable market.

Of course focusing too much on the unpredictability facet of the view bring an aura of despair that make profitable trading impossible, so most of us want something to believe when we trade (even though deep down some people know that regardless of what, chances are always 50%), it's important to remain balanced, not collapse from the predictability-view snare, and not drop from the unpredictability-view despair, just in the center. . is fine.