OK...I'm Central Time Zone USA. It is 18:12pm Central time US where I live. The time in my FXDD charts is 02:12. The server time of FXDD is GMT 2.

According to theforexsoutheast.asiaCalendar, the GBP Consumer Confidence Index was published a few minutes ago at 18:00 Central Time US, my time. But, if I set theforexsoutheast.asiaCalendar time to GMT 2 (what FXDD's serever time is), the time reads for the news release to be 01:00, maybe not 02:00, in which the FXDD chart reads. If I set theforexsoutheast.asiacalendar time the news release is for 02:00, the right moment. If FXDD's server time is GMT 2, called this afternoon is the chart time reading 1 hour behind?

Quite simply, my FXDD charts are revealing as GMT 3, not GMT 2.
