This is a debate concerning why indiors are totally unworthy.
Allow me to begin with this....

In an uncertain environment your mind gravitates and clings to anything that can give meaning to what is going on. Indiors fill this job perfectly. Exactly like reading your horoscope, YOU make it fit in your analysis. There are countless configurations and time frames and indiors to select from, one (probably many) will alway back up your argument. The issue is when it works we find comfort in that reality, and as soon as it doesn't we forget about it. We do so because we wish to believe that they operate, since deep down we expect that its true and they can make us wealthy.... People have the propensity to regard all things great as their own doing and all things awful to some external cause. This is just human nature, and it works nicely for indiors. Yes I left money, my indiors are superb, or Damn I lost, perhaps I need to adjust the settings. The truth is the more I know the more I see nobody knows what going to happen, it's just money management and your own plogy that will make or break you. With all the intelligent people out there don't you think someone will have invented the perfect indior, and be sitting on the beach watching the money role in. To date I've yet to hear of something like this, and I am confident I'll never hear it. These indiors are just tools that improve market liquidity... consider it.... With all the various indiors and setting, there will always be a sign going off. This makes sure that banks and those with clout can off load their rankings into the unsuspecting audience. And, even if banks utilize indiors it's only to see what everyone else might be thinking.

So indiors are

1) slow
2) and therefore impede your performance
3) Self validating due to infinite arrangements
4) Give you confidence when you should not have some
5) Help you become sucker

Ps. I am aware there will be discussion about the market being fractal... that this is just another way to validate indiors.