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Thread: US Elections

  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Alright, as a former Pupil of Political Science in James Madison College at Michigan State University, here is my take on the US elections, really.

    My only disclaimer aside from the fact that I'm a drunk who stays up late enough to see that the London open is that I am no EconomistI work on cars for a living.

    The Democrats will acquire a majority in the House but not the Senate, but it will be sufficient to push the global financial markets up on USD because global sentiment favors a Democratic success. It just took one sentence.

    I can not wait till tomorrow night when I'm wrong and everyone says I told you so...
    Hang on now. You're a Spartan. That should go at the disclaimer column.

    Just messing with ya. Big U of M fan here but my wife does work at Michigan State.

  2. #12
    Wow, you need to convince me If you put indiors at new daily candle yesterday, it was predictable they are brief? Is that move down was predictable according to their daily charts before this drawback? . . I mean the candlesticks showed RSI over 50, a MA cross, a stochastic cross. . A death from the bottom bollinger band. . Don't convince me it had been predicted. .

    But if you discuss GBPUSD. . It was not fully brief, RSI was over 50. .so I can not blame GBPUSD. . But I'm indeed trapped at a USDCHF long..which was a obvious setup.

  3. #13
    Jungle I saw it as well just felt I didnt lock enough profit on the change im more of a swing trader so I attempt to ride out the trends... my initial idea was to lock 100 points when I second guess I always get hurt... rather I only took 50 currently im still short and back into profit im targetinng larger downside levels here just my personal BTW...

  4. #14
    We are down to a pivotal zone around the pound currently... 9050...

  5. #15
    Yep 8950 was a crucial support level and we'd 15min macd divergence...

  6. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    yes its not acting right, only had a 100 pip move on gbp based on some comments from yellen and it was supposed to be yellow level news... something just aint right excellent time to be outside... should have shut my position also. Oh well another lesson learned.
    I doubled both my own live and demo account [screenshots posted everywhere ] in one day of trading, that does not like 210 pip moves, the very best thing was that the movements are totally predictable.

  7. #17
    Do not be angry at me guys but....did you all notice that the price action was odd before the European session? For the dollar to collapse that aggressivlely EST is unusual. The next day coming into the elections should have given you some caution that was suspicious. Looking at the european session, most of the dollar crosses were held in a 40 pip range until the bond market dollar tank. I am not certain you could stand up reductions in that situation. I am not bustin' . Explain to me I understand. I'm curious to understand.

  8. #18
    In 18:00 eur/usd was 12810
    oil (clz6) 59.90

    at 20:00 (paris time)
    eur/usd 12770
    oil: 59.00

    In precisely the exact same time they moved in precisely the exact same direction and found service, and didnt loose or gain a penny

  9. #19
    Sure glad I found this thread. I have been attempting to figure out where I went wrong on 3 of the 4 trades since about midnight. Sorry to hear I will have had some problems but at least I do not feel like I have lost it.

    A note however, money management worked and that I only lowered my balance by 1.67%

  10. #20
    I am using Tlatomi for my sign went short Gmt, go 50 pips.

    I wonder whether the change this afternoon (US time) is reflecting unexpected results from exit polling. Gonna be a crazy ride, I'll sit out till tomorrow.

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