US Elections - Page 3
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Thread: US Elections

  1. #21
    Morning Asia It will be published.
    I believe after 4-5 hours. And I wonder, how will this USD selling across the board last? Was that a preparation. . I never understand it

    I understand that investors are worried, so we see this response. It is similar to the nerves of Fed uncertainty which sent the EURUSD once from 1.26 towards 1.2950. .while this circumstance is little simpler than that

    But does this mean after outcome, USD is going to rebound?

  2. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    He just wants to be out of office prior to the new democratic congress begins their Iraq investigations.
    I really would think that...

  3. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Rumsfeld Resigning?? Replaced by Robert Gates???
    He simply wants to be out of office before the new democratic congress begins their Iraq investigations.

  4. #24
    Rumsfeld Resigning?? Replaced by Robert Gates???

  5. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by ;

    Politics.. .the wrist which guides the invisible hand.

    You'd be amazed at what people become achieved by the capitol of the free world. It's the reason hopefuls spend millions to get elected and incumbents do whatever is required to stay on the federal stage.
    There is absolutely no doubt of what they are capable of. I just think that they are painted into a corner thanx.

  6. #26
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Just because the democrates prefer a strong dollar does not neccessarily mean that they could make it take place.

    Politics. . .the wrist which guides the hand that is invisible.

    You'd be amazed at what people get accomplished by the capitol of the free world. It is the reason political hopefuls spend millions to get elected and incumbents do whatever is necessary to remain on the federal stage.

  7. #27
    Just because the democrates prefer a strong dollar does not mean they could cause it to happen.

  8. #28
    I feel the results will be in this evening.

  9. #29
    Is there anyone who can tell me will we understand the reasult of this elections?

  10. #30
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Today daily chart TA was screwed up. It had been clear to me USDJPY and USDCHF long but Fukui remarks, Yellen, elections. That's mad it was all reversed. But I'm still wary about any USD rally after election results and new york open to take their other moves' steam on daily candles.
    Yeah it was a clear long indication, but those remarks seemed to do precisely the opposite.

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