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  1. Good broker that allows profitable traders?
  2. Need Broker Recommendation
  3. The Brokers with best spread and low SL/TP (good for scalping!)
  4. Comments or reviews on DF Markets?
  5. Which broker offers the highest swap?
  6. My broker declined my deposit
  7. CFD1000.com - A scam broker
  8. Broker time = Sydney OPEN or 22:00 GMT ??
  9. IC Markets Website Down?
  10. Looking for an ECN Broker with low spread and fast execution
  11. Saxo Bank Closes Cyprus Office
  12. Recommended quotno last lookquot, fast execution, reliable brokers
  13. FDIC and FSCS protection: is our money safe?
  14. Are cent brokers really all thieves? Need one for my EA
  15. Is it normal for a broker to ask for a credit card on the phone?
  16. Can anyone prove broker fraud?
  17. blocking robots?
  18. Gain Capital finalizes acquisition of FXCMs US clients
  19. ETX Capital offline
  20. Anyone getting cashback from XTB? How much are you getting?
  21. IG vs CMC in terms of trading against traders?
  22. Does anyone see their broker on the pdf? #dealerplugins
  23. FxPro opinions?
  24. Interactive Brokers margin requirements and currency leverage
  25. Real international forex binary broker?
  26. Oandas withdrawal policy with PayPal
  27. New Zealand is a scam haven for FX - Avoid!
  28. MT5 broker for standard FX rules as US Citizen?
  29. Broker with best positive rollover?
  30. Who should be responsible for live server going down?
  31. IG Experiences?
  32. Which of these Australia or New Zealand brokers?
  33. Cantor Exchange - any feedback?
  34. Whats with Armada?
  35. Tickmill or ICMarkets?
  36. Invast Australia drops credit card funding
  37. binary broker that opens Sunday at market open
  38. Pepperstone widens XAUAUD spread in the middle of ASIA session
  39. Mobile app to trade Bitcoin
  40. Is XTB Broker any good?
  41. Looking for a Cent account, low spreads, micro lots broker
  42. FX Vs Pepperstone? True STP/ECN Brokers? Whos better?
  43. Need a cheap and stable VPS for Trading
  44. Who is the most honest broker?
  45. IC Markets experienced traders, do you suggest this company?
  46. is there a big difference between oanda game and the real account
  47. LMAX introducing broker with $1000 min deposit
  48. New position opened with 500 pips negative at pepperstone
  49. Scam?! - Hanseatic Brokerhouse
  50. Brokers in British Columbia
  51. easyMarkets: where is the ch?
  52. Advice on Good Broker Based in US and Accepting US Clients
  53. Questrade a market maker?
  54. Profits with an Offshore Broker
  55. The Great American Broker Challenge
  56. Living a forex dream
  57. nano lot in micro account
  58. 0.2 Spread and NO Commissions at all (Scalping Style)
  59. Looking for Brokers who provide FX Options (GBP and EUR Crosses)
  60. Forex Hedge Funds and Currency Exchange
  61. Brokers that went broke, and their history
  62. Broker bankruptcies
  63. Sierra Charts and Brokers
  64. Cheating broker? Or no?
  65. Oanda Alternative?
  66. Do brokers use bots for support staff
  67. scam broker alert
  68. XTB Broker under Polish authorities investigation
  69. How fast does ur broker transfer withdrawals to ur VISA?
  70. Spread increase due to end of the month?
  71. Is Oanda a safe broker?
  72. Unwanted telephone calls
  73. AAAFx installing Trojan.PassordStealer on your pc?
  74. MT4 Showing Trades!
  75. Best MT4 demo broker suggestions needed
  76. [suggestion] Broker without spreads but with low fees?
  77. Experiences with my brokers on updating my email address
  78. ATC Brokers
  79. What do you think about SFX Markets?
  80. Breaking: OANDA to Acquire about 2000 IBFX Accounts
  81. Latency or slippage in execution on bigger lot size
  82. LAMM Brokers
  83. Foreign Brokers and US citizens
  84. Can someone recommend a good Swap-free broker for OIL?
  85. Nano lot broker anyone?
  86. will dukascopy change its leverage to 50:1?
  87. Scalper looking for a private MT4 broker
  88. Swap Rates
  89. Looking for a Metatrader 4 stock broker
  90. Chinese Brokers higher spreads?
  91. Broker fined again - $515,000
  92. Delta stock discussion
  93. MF Global UK (Man Finance)
  94. AU broker with ECN type spreads plus EMINI
  95. Darwinex users, hows it going?
  96. CMS ceasing operations for retail traders
  97. NinjaTrader has screwed up big time!
  98. Fibo Group Feedback
  99. FXPIG discussion
  100. Smarttradefx
  101. Capital Trust Markets warning
  102. Brokers with best spreads and deals for 2017
  103. Good broker for professional trading, no bucket sc please
  104. FOREX.COMs trading platform is really nice!
  105. Fxpro - Spread
  106. Alpari.co.uk Discussion
  107. NDD versus ECN versus STP
  108. Wanted: FSA regulated (UK) FX ECN broker
  109. Broker with no limit on open trades and orders
  110. I need advice between these 3 brokers
  111. FX options brokers
  112. trustworthy NDD broker recomendation
  113. Any brokers guaranteeing stop loss protection?
  114. Instaforex, are they honest and reliable?
  115. Need a Best Broker for cent account!
  116. Trade-24 sc money and does not honor withdrawals
  117. List of all forex liquidity providers?
  118. TD Ameritrade (Thinkorswim)
  119. ThinkMarkets Discussion
  120. Best broker for United States residents
  121. Brokers for Canadians?
  122. Corporate Account Broker
  123. Avatrade declining since December 2017
  124. Best Out of These 7 Brokers
  125. AMP Futures Offers MT5 For Futures Trading
  126. MetaQuotes stops selling MT4 platform licenses
  127. List of decent brokers
  128. Pepperstone Razor Average Spreads Not Matching Live Data?
  129. ExNess
  130. Need broker earliest open market
  131. neutral broker/prime/venue that does not mind toxic flow
  132. BCFX license suspension update
  133. Broker and Taxes for Dutch in Netherlands
  134. Broker options for US residents
  135. United States Traders
  136. Any list that show how many users the top brokers have?
  137. OANDA limit order: Does spread cost halve?
  138. Question about brokers and frequent SL adjustments
  139. Juno Markets
  140. ATC Brokers withdraws bankruptcy filing after settlement
  141. A broker that offers VXX trading on MT4?
  142. Blueberry Markets, anyone have experience with them?
  143. Small capital trader in need of a new broker
  144. Pepperstone, IC Markets, Tickmill? Which one to choose?
  145. FXCM Discussion
  146. Current best fixed spread Brokers
  147. Did any FF members have a problem with Colmex Pro?
  148. Dukascopy
  149. Which broker offers biggest portfolio?! (FX, Comm, Indices)
  150. Broker that accepts webmoney and provides Ninjatrader
  151. Looking For Broker In USA
  152. ECN and Commission? Is it worth it?
  153. Can one open a corporate account with Oanda ?
  154. Confusion about brokers
  155. One collective discussion for all brokers
  156. Dow Futures and easy Withdrawal
  157. Broker for Trading in Indian Stocks?
  158. FXCM increased margin to double what it was last week again -why?
  159. TD Ameritrade not offering FX in Ohio anymore?
  160. Looking for broker with lowest spreads and no commissions
  161. Anyone Know of an ECN with 1000x Leverage?
  162. Closing account vs locking account
  163. Molecule6 is not an IB for dukascopy anymore
  164. Looking for a decent broker?
  165. Oanda or Alpari?
  166. Effects of Cyprus bailout deal on Cyprus-based Brokers
  167. Saxo changing fill levels for SNB move
  168. FxPro - cTrader
  169. FxPro Questions and Answers
  170. Are You Having Oanda Login Problems?
  171. Crisis and Brokers
  172. Alpari UK
  173. MetaTrader4 Broker with low spreads and best execution?
  174. Please help me choose between these 4 brokers...
  175. Gah Alpari
  176. Problem in trading with InterbankFX
  177. Free broker with yearly charts
  178. Broker for commodities, futures, stocks, etc.
  179. Alpari - are they reliable?
  180. should i open an account at fxcm or fxdd or somewhere else
  181. Want to trade Oil,gold...best metatrader broker?
  182. ForexGen Broker
  183. ur forex dealer is FDMA or FDMB,it is a question!
  184. How to get lower MBT trading commissions
  185. Where brokers connect?
  186. 0 spread, 0 commision - getting tired of all this..
  187. Beware - Order fill glitch screwed me
  188. Account History Viewing Problems - Interbank FX
  189. Metaquotes.net server DOWN?
  190. which broker?
  191. eur/usd arbitrage broker?
  192. New NFA rules on Forex MManagers: $45,000 Liquid cash, $1,000 in fees
  193. Could someone recommend an honest broker?
  194. Lets start the fight to brokers!!
  195. Broker with 0.1 Micro-Lots
  196. FXDD disaster
  197. Dukascopy Delaying Transfer Requests!
  198. UK Brokers
  199. Forex Ratings - Confidence Lack Thereof
  200. i got ripped off during the NFP
  201. Good UK MT4 broker for holding positions overnight/weekend
  202. Do we really need ECN brokers?
  203. Now we know who the market makers are...
  204. cfd broker
  205. Dukascopy vs FXOpen ECN
  206. Information about LMAX?
  207. Brokers with CHF deposit
  208. Who else uses GMT plus 2 as their server time in the MT4 platform?
  209. Important Details For Major Regulated Forex Brokers
  210. Suggest to me a broker Please!
  211. News Trades Hung - Issues with UK Financial Ombudsman Service
  212. MT4 Candles and BID/ASK levels
  213. Brokers That Offer Bank Guarantee or a Custodial Account?
  214. Slower or jamming broker very needed
  215. Broker Response Time
  216. Plus500 under FCA investigation
  217. Differences on one minute chart: Alpari MT5 vs FxPro MT4
  218. RBS Market Index
  219. Has this section of the Forum helped you find a good broker?
  220. FXCM Spread Betting Rollover
  221. would you trust fxsolutions with large amount of money?
  222. ECN/STP brokers
  223. Brokers for long-term trading
  224. Do anyone using FXCM Micro Account earn a consistent profit?
  225. micro account
  226. NFA prohibiting forex brokers from accepting credit cards
  227. Maximum lots traded with fxpro?
  228. JP Morgan/Chase
  229. No more GOLD and SILVER in the USA
  230. Best Broker for Tight Stops
  231. Checking brokers
  232. Best broker for scalping
  233. MT5 ECN Recommendation?
  234. FXCentral???
  235. Question on Market depth Dom
  236. Requotes in your favor
  237. Good Oil Broker
  238. Any brokers offering high leverage accounts to US citizens?
  239. which broker allows huge maximum lot size per order?
  240. Brokers for USDINR [Indian Rupee]
  241. Bad trade on Alpari NZ?
  242. Renesource Capital
  243. When my broker quotdont payquot
  244. Worried about losing money stored at the brokers account?
  245. need input about solid live brokers
  246. Hedging spot with options - Which Broker?
  247. Trailing stop not changing? FXCM
  248. LCG currenex and hotspot fx fxall, EBS prime, intergral
  249. which broker has the lowest spread?
  250. Alpari Mystery