View Full Version : Currency Pairs Discussion

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  1. CAD/JPY
  2. Python or Perl?
  3. Money Management Strategies
  4. Igmaks trade journal
  5. Guppy Trades
  6. Baring the pips
  7. Carry Grid
  8. Short-Term Reversal Levels (STRLs)
  9. GBP/USD or EUR/JPY or.... Whatevers moving!!
  10. The Cat and Dragon - GJ Free House
  11. Simple scalping system, all red or all green
  12. Big Sandwich System
  13. CAD/JPY Mouteki
  14. CCI 50 System
  15. Another Basket EA
  16. The Z Transform system
  17. Part-Time Forex Trader
  18. Pop-ups and alerts needed to be added please
  19. Modifying an ADR indior
  20. EA fix: Close all positions at profit target X
  21. Is there anybody who can create a simple anti-martingale EA?
  22. Export to Excel in Real Time
  23. Additional Indiors for the Genesis Matrix Trading System
  24. Congestion/Manipulation indior
  25. ATR indior of candle body ignoring wick and tail
  26. Expert Advisor Builder
  27. Multiple Take Profit Indior Or Script Not Using Presets
  28. Metatrader 5 egy tester
  29. Indior that draws vertical line at certain time?
  30. ADR Average daily Range Indior
  31. HH HL LH LL indior
  32. object_text help a beginner
  33. very cool Trading Panel EA needs some adds
  34. Help Chandelier Exit
  35. Engulfing Bar Alert with OBOS Condition (Bollinger_Band)
  36. Indior I use doesnt refresh
  37. Strats PASR Long Term, Stress Free Trading
  38. Who knows this alternative mt4 editor?
  39. small problem ciclo for an increase
  40. Stochastic bar chart indior
  41. Super_Indior_V2 nrp - help producing arrows
  42. Multi-timeline egy builder?
  43. DailyFx news indior
  44. MT4 quotNo connectionquot please help
  45. MT4 Average Candle size of X candles
  46. GOLD traders only
  47. where is the quotsimple proven systemquot thread gone?
  48. Eduion road map?
  49. Where can we see the news forecasts?
  50. Candle time left?
  51. What is wrong with this script?
  52. Expert advisor eduion resources needed
  53. how to make zero-lag indior
  54. Period Separation Indy for Renko charts?
  55. create a dom for trading
  56. Web-Hosting available for MT-4?
  57. Request: EA to trade random horizontal line
  58. MetaTrader4 on MacBookPro
  59. Trailing stop and reverse
  60. Programming a risk limiter for MT4
  61. cant post charts
  62. Metatrader - Periods
  63. How to set up 2 EA for the very same pair?
  64. EA performing very differently
  65. High/Low between a time frame
  66. Can anybody please help me make this indior
  67. Has anyone used a server host for their EA?
  68. EA that open positions listening to the alerts of an indior.
  69. EAS and Brokers
  70. mt4 range bar
  71. How to add push notifiions to MT4 indior
  72. need help to translate a simple indior
  73. Scalping the DAX?
  74. The REAL Traders Video Journal, 3-5% per month as a US trader
  75. GBPCAD
  76. Diversified Trend Trading Approach
  77. Casino EA Trader
  78. Quad Candle System
  79. CHOROS System
  80. AMAZING Strategy!!!
  81. Higher low, lower high system
  82. Lets Automate a Simple Renko Strategy!
  83. Hanover replies to PMs
  84. A quotnewquot simple system based on MA
  85. Favorite Alert Systems
  86. FT Lauderdale meeting
  87. Telegram Trader screenshot request
  88. Possible to export text or objects created in chart to .csv?
  89. Indior Help Needed
  90. Real Ticks Discarded, Price Mismatch, Minutes Bars Absent
  91. Script/EA to close open position based on risk/reward ratio
  92. Need to normalize this indior
  93. Inside bar detector system
  94. MQL4 Calculate Profit (gain) from Highest Drawdown
  95. ExpertRemove() function (question for coders)
  96. AUDUSD - Newbie question about trend
  97. Sophis Toolkit API / Reuters Kondor plus
  98. 6 Color Histogram
  99. close out specific order
  100. Indior to show bar or candle or another currency on chart
  101. Trailing stops on buy/sell sop orders
  102. Spreadsheet with RSI and IFISH formulas
  103. help w/ custom demark indior
  104. The pivots I use.
  105. Profess - DAX and SP 500 Trading Journal
  106. So brokers take trades, who cares...
  107. Scalping 3 pips per trade
  108. My Trade Ideas and Observations
  109. s Crayon Thread
  110. Swing Traders Welcome
  111. Survival Of The Fittest
  112. Indior that shows Wick size
  113. Send notifiion from MT 4 and 5 to Telegram
  114. Whatever happened to Mouteki
  115. FX Trading - The Tough Journey
  116. Golden Levels: USD/CAD
  117. 1-2 pip Stop Loss
  118. AHGS2
  119. Rekon-X Auto Bots Expert Advisors for Forex Trading
  120. Huskins, Video Journal, Q and A
  121. Analysis 22/12/2008
  122. Resetting variables at midnight
  123. ATR Multiplier EA for Fixed SL and Fixed TP Only
  124. 4105 No order selected? Em i doing this right?
  125. Optimsation - Number of Combinations
  126. Exotic Pairs (EURTRY, USDRUB, MXNJPY...)
  127. Journal of a Naked Trader
  128. Being an Obedient Liquidity Provider
  129. How to Calculate volume needed to earn specific amount
  130. Some questions I have
  131. Dragon or Snake - GU, UJ, GJ, EU, EJ
  132. USD/MXN -- US Dollar / Mexican Peso
  133. AUDJPY plus EURAUD plus AUDUSD -- (carry plus intraday)
  134. Moral dilema
  135. Has anyone become wealthy from forex?
  136. Whats wrong with 123 Pattern
  137. Main guidelines for beginners
  138. 100% win grid EA
  139. How to better control our emotions?
  140. Double Your Account in a Day Strategy
  141. All Majors and Gold
  142. any softwares to practice forex offline mode?
  143. Forex newbie questions - Pls help
  144. RSI ?
  145. Daily Charts System
  146. Trend Strength Market Views
  147. New To Forex and Need Advice!
  148. Asking: Is there a egy with low return (5-10% monthly)
  149. Best use of Stochastics please
  150. Placing A TRADE
  151. successful trader without stop loss?
  152. Trailing Stop or Take Profit?
  153. Difference between buy/sell stops and buy/sell limits
  154. How to get 1-5 pips with 100% win ratio?
  155. What time frame do you trade and why?
  156. what does straddle mean?
  157. Back to basics- looking for a method to approach the market
  158. How much does it really cost if I buy 1 eurgbp (usd account)?
  159. Post your mistake here - warn others
  160. True Leverage in MT4
  161. Daytrade EA
  162. Time offset for this indior
  163. Free platform with intraday range bars: Is there such a thing?
  164. EA not drawing EMA
  165. Special 5 decimal Market Price Indior
  166. PTL 2018
  167. Anything wrong with this: Symbol in Market Watch
  168. Alert needed when stochastics change direction
  169. Close all opened positions at specific price - Key to scalpers
  170. Book of LITE
  171. Daily Live Average/Pivot Rate
  172. i-Reg.mq4 upgrade
  173. Repainting: live vs offline charts
  174. 3 MA Convergence Indior
  175. Hedging the correlation...
  176. MT4 Trendline Drawing Technical Help
  177. Minimizing Drawdown Exposure for FXTreadPros Semi Martingale
  178. KISS Method - Thoughts
  179. Indior free system
  180. Buy stop after hours question
  181. Mini Account Tradding
  182. Chart dump
  183. Centaurus Journal
  184. Installing Vegas INdior Plug Ins
  185. Dmi/adx
  186. Forex Resources - What made you a good Trader?
  187. Time frame preferences for day trading
  188. This is how I doubled my account
  189. Straddling
  190. Instant Double Money
  191. quotRanging Strategyquot
  192. Banks and hedge funds.. operation.
  193. Questions re: MT4 and VWB 1 Hr Tunnel
  194. question from a newbie ....
  195. McGrew MACD and Other discussions
  196. Currency Futures
  197. Re Federal Reserve Meeting June 28-29
  198. Penalized for not fullfilling Limit Orders?
  199. More Sellers than Buyers
  200. MetaStock Forex advantage
  201. Whats a good monthly income from trading?
  202. The Oldest Rule In Trading Still Works
  203. Need help with Code
  204. Substitute for screen time?
  205. HEDGE looks good
  206. Please help with my entry trigger
  207. Indiors, where more info
  208. How much is needed to move the market?
  209. Trade with no stop
  210. Mql4 Coding Help
  211. Why forex?
  212. Trading research papers
  213. Kagi Chart Question
  214. Nice EMA Cross Indior...needs slight work please
  215. Challenge to mt4 tech
  216. Is anyone here earning a living, just with forex trading?
  217. what is the best forex book?
  218. Autorestart of MT4 after all positions have closed automatically
  219. when do sessions begin and end
  220. The Trading System That Never Works
  221. Trading with Adrenaline
  222. Breakout of Mondays
  223. Please suggest a simple and effective Method/System of quotTrading Systemquot Forum to newbie
  224. What is your weekly return?
  225. The long term trader using fundamental Analysis (In B4 Clive)
  226. Metatrader and OCO Orders
  227. Journal of Zol
  228. Trades of newbie... we know how it started, where will it end?
  229. Dapyos Grail Journal
  230. Script to modify lot size of pending order
  231. Does anyone have this MACD indior?
  232. Eklavya - USDCAD
  233. Reading News from a CSV file
  234. Demo Journal
  235. dinapoli sma indior
  236. My Journal 200 pips a week minimum
  237. EA users opinion and suggestion
  238. EuroYen
  239. Request for MA cross (UP or Down crossover) Alert indior
  240. Forex Trading Journal
  241. Searching for a Donchian Channel Sound alert indior
  242. Davids MTPredictor Journal
  243. Stochastic arrow alert for levels needed
  244. DanUK Trend Trading Journal 2010
  245. Need Alert for MTF Awesome Oscillator AO
  246. Make Money (Trade Journal)
  247. The FX believer journal.
  248. Looking For Some One To Write A Good Trade Manager EA for Me
  249. Day Trading Levels
  250. Tick Data Backtest Issue - Please help!