View Full Version : Currency Pairs Discussion
- Python or Perl?
- Money Management Strategies
- Igmaks trade journal
- Guppy Trades
- Baring the pips
- Carry Grid
- Short-Term Reversal Levels (STRLs)
- GBP/USD or EUR/JPY or.... Whatevers moving!!
- The Cat and Dragon - GJ Free House
- Simple scalping system, all red or all green
- Big Sandwich System
- CAD/JPY Mouteki
- CCI 50 System
- Another Basket EA
- The Z Transform system
- Part-Time Forex Trader
- Pop-ups and alerts needed to be added please
- Modifying an ADR indior
- EA fix: Close all positions at profit target X
- Is there anybody who can create a simple anti-martingale EA?
- Export to Excel in Real Time
- Additional Indiors for the Genesis Matrix Trading System
- Congestion/Manipulation indior
- ATR indior of candle body ignoring wick and tail
- Expert Advisor Builder
- Multiple Take Profit Indior Or Script Not Using Presets
- Metatrader 5 egy tester
- Indior that draws vertical line at certain time?
- ADR Average daily Range Indior
- HH HL LH LL indior
- object_text help a beginner
- very cool Trading Panel EA needs some adds
- Help Chandelier Exit
- Engulfing Bar Alert with OBOS Condition (Bollinger_Band)
- Indior I use doesnt refresh
- Strats PASR Long Term, Stress Free Trading
- Who knows this alternative mt4 editor?
- small problem ciclo for an increase
- Stochastic bar chart indior
- Super_Indior_V2 nrp - help producing arrows
- Multi-timeline egy builder?
- DailyFx news indior
- MT4 quotNo connectionquot please help
- MT4 Average Candle size of X candles
- GOLD traders only
- where is the quotsimple proven systemquot thread gone?
- Eduion road map?
- Where can we see the news forecasts?
- Candle time left?
- What is wrong with this script?
- Expert advisor eduion resources needed
- how to make zero-lag indior
- Period Separation Indy for Renko charts?
- create a dom for trading
- Web-Hosting available for MT-4?
- Request: EA to trade random horizontal line
- MetaTrader4 on MacBookPro
- Trailing stop and reverse
- Programming a risk limiter for MT4
- cant post charts
- Metatrader - Periods
- How to set up 2 EA for the very same pair?
- EA performing very differently
- High/Low between a time frame
- Can anybody please help me make this indior
- Has anyone used a server host for their EA?
- EA that open positions listening to the alerts of an indior.
- EAS and Brokers
- mt4 range bar
- How to add push notifiions to MT4 indior
- need help to translate a simple indior
- Scalping the DAX?
- The REAL Traders Video Journal, 3-5% per month as a US trader
- Diversified Trend Trading Approach
- Casino EA Trader
- Quad Candle System
- CHOROS System
- AMAZING Strategy!!!
- Higher low, lower high system
- Lets Automate a Simple Renko Strategy!
- Hanover replies to PMs
- A quotnewquot simple system based on MA
- Favorite Alert Systems
- FT Lauderdale meeting
- Telegram Trader screenshot request
- Possible to export text or objects created in chart to .csv?
- Indior Help Needed
- Real Ticks Discarded, Price Mismatch, Minutes Bars Absent
- Script/EA to close open position based on risk/reward ratio
- Need to normalize this indior
- Inside bar detector system
- MQL4 Calculate Profit (gain) from Highest Drawdown
- ExpertRemove() function (question for coders)
- AUDUSD - Newbie question about trend
- Sophis Toolkit API / Reuters Kondor plus
- 6 Color Histogram
- close out specific order
- Indior to show bar or candle or another currency on chart
- Trailing stops on buy/sell sop orders
- Spreadsheet with RSI and IFISH formulas
- help w/ custom demark indior
- The pivots I use.
- Profess - DAX and SP 500 Trading Journal
- So brokers take trades, who cares...
- Scalping 3 pips per trade
- My Trade Ideas and Observations
- s Crayon Thread
- Swing Traders Welcome
- Survival Of The Fittest
- Indior that shows Wick size
- Send notifiion from MT 4 and 5 to Telegram
- Whatever happened to Mouteki
- FX Trading - The Tough Journey
- Golden Levels: USD/CAD
- 1-2 pip Stop Loss
- Rekon-X Auto Bots Expert Advisors for Forex Trading
- Huskins, Video Journal, Q and A
- Analysis 22/12/2008
- Resetting variables at midnight
- ATR Multiplier EA for Fixed SL and Fixed TP Only
- 4105 No order selected? Em i doing this right?
- Optimsation - Number of Combinations
- Exotic Pairs (EURTRY, USDRUB, MXNJPY...)
- Journal of a Naked Trader
- Being an Obedient Liquidity Provider
- How to Calculate volume needed to earn specific amount
- Some questions I have
- Dragon or Snake - GU, UJ, GJ, EU, EJ
- USD/MXN -- US Dollar / Mexican Peso
- AUDJPY plus EURAUD plus AUDUSD -- (carry plus intraday)
- Moral dilema
- Has anyone become wealthy from forex?
- Whats wrong with 123 Pattern
- Main guidelines for beginners
- 100% win grid EA
- How to better control our emotions?
- Double Your Account in a Day Strategy
- All Majors and Gold
- any softwares to practice forex offline mode?
- Forex newbie questions - Pls help
- RSI ?
- Daily Charts System
- Trend Strength Market Views
- New To Forex and Need Advice!
- Asking: Is there a egy with low return (5-10% monthly)
- Best use of Stochastics please
- Placing A TRADE
- successful trader without stop loss?
- Trailing Stop or Take Profit?
- Difference between buy/sell stops and buy/sell limits
- How to get 1-5 pips with 100% win ratio?
- What time frame do you trade and why?
- what does straddle mean?
- Back to basics- looking for a method to approach the market
- How much does it really cost if I buy 1 eurgbp (usd account)?
- Post your mistake here - warn others
- True Leverage in MT4
- Daytrade EA
- Time offset for this indior
- Free platform with intraday range bars: Is there such a thing?
- EA not drawing EMA
- Special 5 decimal Market Price Indior
- PTL 2018
- Anything wrong with this: Symbol in Market Watch
- Alert needed when stochastics change direction
- Close all opened positions at specific price - Key to scalpers
- Book of LITE
- Daily Live Average/Pivot Rate
- i-Reg.mq4 upgrade
- Repainting: live vs offline charts
- 3 MA Convergence Indior
- Hedging the correlation...
- MT4 Trendline Drawing Technical Help
- Minimizing Drawdown Exposure for FXTreadPros Semi Martingale
- KISS Method - Thoughts
- Indior free system
- Buy stop after hours question
- Mini Account Tradding
- Chart dump
- Centaurus Journal
- Installing Vegas INdior Plug Ins
- Dmi/adx
- Forex Resources - What made you a good Trader?
- Time frame preferences for day trading
- This is how I doubled my account
- Straddling
- Instant Double Money
- quotRanging Strategyquot
- Banks and hedge funds.. operation.
- Questions re: MT4 and VWB 1 Hr Tunnel
- question from a newbie ....
- McGrew MACD and Other discussions
- Currency Futures
- Re Federal Reserve Meeting June 28-29
- Penalized for not fullfilling Limit Orders?
- More Sellers than Buyers
- MetaStock Forex advantage
- Whats a good monthly income from trading?
- The Oldest Rule In Trading Still Works
- Need help with Code
- Substitute for screen time?
- HEDGE looks good
- Please help with my entry trigger
- Indiors, where more info
- How much is needed to move the market?
- Trade with no stop
- Mql4 Coding Help
- Why forex?
- Trading research papers
- Kagi Chart Question
- Nice EMA Cross Indior...needs slight work please
- Challenge to mt4 tech
- Is anyone here earning a living, just with forex trading?
- what is the best forex book?
- Autorestart of MT4 after all positions have closed automatically
- when do sessions begin and end
- The Trading System That Never Works
- Trading with Adrenaline
- Breakout of Mondays
- Please suggest a simple and effective Method/System of quotTrading Systemquot Forum to newbie
- What is your weekly return?
- The long term trader using fundamental Analysis (In B4 Clive)
- Metatrader and OCO Orders
- Journal of Zol
- Trades of newbie... we know how it started, where will it end?
- Dapyos Grail Journal
- Script to modify lot size of pending order
- Does anyone have this MACD indior?
- Eklavya - USDCAD
- Reading News from a CSV file
- Demo Journal
- dinapoli sma indior
- My Journal 200 pips a week minimum
- EA users opinion and suggestion
- EuroYen
- Request for MA cross (UP or Down crossover) Alert indior
- Forex Trading Journal
- Searching for a Donchian Channel Sound alert indior
- Davids MTPredictor Journal
- Stochastic arrow alert for levels needed
- DanUK Trend Trading Journal 2010
- Need Alert for MTF Awesome Oscillator AO
- Make Money (Trade Journal)
- The FX believer journal.
- Looking For Some One To Write A Good Trade Manager EA for Me
- Day Trading Levels
- Tick Data Backtest Issue - Please help!
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