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  1. Since martingale burns accounts, why not do the opposite?
  2. anyone check out the Joe Chalhoub fx forecaster indior??
  3. FUNDS Acquisition
  4. When do I switch from one egy to another?
  5. New To forex!!!
  6. Programming Orders
  7. 82% daytraders lose and the profitable ones make less than a monkey throwing darts
  8. Do Elliott waves work?
  9. USDCHF 6 Month Forecast
  10. Indiors that dont require monitoring
  11. question about buy stop
  12. Cutting your risk, letting your profits run
  13. EUR or GBP Which is the most profitable pair for a Novice
  14. 1 trade with big SL OR reenter market several times with smaller SL?
  15. Average Monthly Return
  16. Ouch AUSUSD
  17. Greece Referendum
  18. Win/Loss Ratio and R/R Ratio Link?
  19. What makes you Unique?
  20. Hello everyone, lets talk about the market psych
  21. Can someone post an EA that gives steady profit over the last 2 months?
  22. Trading thoughts
  23. Funny thing - gaps in usdx charts
  24. What is your best trading streak and how did you do it?
  25. Market makers will bankrupt us at the end?
  26. London Olympics - Genuine Trading Opportunity or Far Fetched Idea?
  27. Question about Tentative news
  28. Im tired of reading quotId have made more but I made mistakes.quot
  29. $10, trade... $100
  30. Scalping vs Swing... again
  31. 1 Hour Tunnel EA
  32. Why are top ranked traders trading EUR/JPY right now?
  33. How Stress Can Ruin Your Trading
  34. Reasons for being a loser master
  35. How to know news data is positive or negative upon release
  36. Get higher interest without carry trade?
  37. Theory of Everything, and Trading
  38. Tick Tock....watch that clock
  39. Earning 10-20% per month on 10k capital: Realistic?
  40. usd-jpy
  41. Some Practical Thoughts About Money Management , by Chuck LeBeau
  42. Coping with Losses
  43. This week will go down in history.
  44. Economic Ideaologies and Practises
  45. trading the news and the large spread
  46. The Yield Curve
  47. Currency Strength - Anyone trading FX using CSI/CSM?
  48. Is Bernanke next on the hitlist?
  49. Beige Book results
  50. Roaving Hedge idea
  51. Doubling Down on TP
  52. Does this NOT work?
  53. questions about WD GANN
  54. please anyone know where find data for trade station 2000???
  55. Post your weekly profit/loss
  56. price action made eazy
  57. Playing the Breakout Trade
  58. How do you turn a losing streak around?
  59. Is there a successful EA out there?
  60. Cad Gdp
  61. Trading during summer months?
  62. Whats your opinion on USD? Recession?
  63. Currency move independent of interest rates?
  64. Its time to buy gbp/usd?
  65. AUD/USD Opinions
  66. Post your top 10 expert advisors
  67. Role of Market Information in Trading
  68. Question about steady income.
  69. IRA(interest rate arbitrage)
  70. Seriously, how I can GBP/USD go, is anything possible?
  71. Same entries, multiple risks
  72. Sentiment Resources/Option Boards?
  73. Lot size decision
  74. How to make the entry and the exit decision ?
  75. Does anyone know of other online trader sentiment tools than these?
  76. Retail and Euro CPI
  77. Only now I see a lot of Traders predicting the USD rallie for 2008!
  78. ECB rate decison?
  79. US traders: getting around hedging ban?
  80. CAD unemployment numbers
  81. Confused about T3 indior
  82. Fewer very high R:R trades
  83. MT4 Order Type: quotInstant Executionquot vs quotMarket Executionquot
  84. Difference between speed, momentum and volume??
  85. what is EMA AND SMA.
  86. Muskets again…..
  87. Why cable
  88. Basement for Stategy
  89. Does anyone recognize this error message?
  90. marginal call
  91. Where to get NFP forecast for August 2010?
  92. The Use of ADX
  93. How to resolve a confusion?
  94. Yahoos Big Mess!
  95. Exiting trades on RENKOS?
  96. Job/School and Trading
  97. Capital gains as primary income tax rate in the US?
  98. FOREX and Small Business
  99. Non farm payroll historical charts
  100. Forex MODULE 4 – Exponential VALUE Analysis - Daily Time Frame
  101. daily or weekly on the pivot points?
  102. Your top 3 indiors
  103. Trend Lines Dont Work
  104. biggest fruion or obstacle you have faced so far?
  105. At what point is volume too low to trade?
  106. Margin
  107. Plogical Experiment
  108. What would you do with a working egy, but need capital?
  109. Goodman Wave Theory With Currencies?
  110. Strong USD, especially against the kiwi
  111. PDCA-Plan Do Check Act
  112. How do you let profit run... Position management
  113. Idea/Strategies for Modular EA Architecture
  114. %Percentage Calculations???
  115. Which pair move more during US session compare to london session?
  116. Fundamentals vs Technical and my little question
  117. About fxcm free signals
  118. Which currency pair is the least affected by news?
  119. Where does the forecast values on calendar come from?
  120. Getting trade statistics
  121. The Importance of Being Honest with Yourself
  122. how to affect market increase 1 pip?
  123. Whole Number Meta Trader 4 Indior
  124. EUR interest rate and its influence
  125. Would anyone consider this to be a Triangle?
  126. keep missing pips! (hit BE)
  127. Pivot points in MT4
  128. Luck or probability?
  129. 50% plus a month target
  130. Books, Courses, Forums, Webinars and Other Resources
  131. EUR/USD Trend Exhaustion
  132. EUR/USD, AUD/USD, and CAD/USD ready to move up
  133. Half hour before London Open
  134. Regulators trustworthy enough to prevent sc
  135. Fourier Analysis
  136. What is your plan to ride winners?
  137. Avoid pending order triggering at buy price?
  138. Carry Trade [live progress]
  139. Oil / USD
  140. Swap
  141. MACD. How to get the lines in MT4
  142. Static stop loss on Daily or not?
  143. Starting from scratch... Again.
  144. Help with Cobra THV time settings
  145. If youre not inside, youre outside. OK? - Front Running
  146. Lack of discipline.
  147. Swap
  148. NFP Update
  149. Learning Together - A Newbie on the road to improvement
  150. GBP discussions
  151. CIS Japanese Day-Trader
  152. reaction USD
  153. New Years Resolutions (trading)
  154. need help with indior
  155. trading by fundamental and technical analysis
  156. Trading Blind - Anybody?
  157. Trading taxes, which do you use?
  158. What would you say is THE Forex book?
  159. Any Daily/Weekly candle traders?
  160. Trading without a Broker
  161. from retail trader to full-time trader
  162. Volume, Leverage, and how theyre related
  163. FX Trading Pays Off...
  164. Chart Imitation Theory
  165. ECN Price Feeds VS Market Maker Price Feeds
  166. currency pairs that TREND separately from one another
  167. making things simple
  168. Forex market hours
  169. New Traders - Ask any question, I will do my best to help you
  170. PTech101
  171. Lack of emotions?
  172. Secret Way to Bet Against Yourself - Become the Guy Who Takes Your Money
  173. How do you put a stop loss against spikes?
  174. Mathematical equation to finding the holy grail
  175. Early Entry, Small Stop, (MACD S/R)
  176. Divergence query
  177. judging direction for 1st 5-min bar of the day
  178. Best Way(s) To Protect Your Trade During News On Oanda FXTrade
  179. Position quotcorrectionquot
  180. Top 10 traders in the world?
  181. Anyone believe price movement at news releases is fundamental?
  182. Slanted news Releases
  183. How do you trade support and resistance?
  184. What are News Revisions?
  185. Was He Relaxing in this Bearish Channel before Runnin up Again
  186. Opportunity Hunters - All Pairs!
  187. How to modify the stop loss position
  188. stop loss
  189. What happens when both currencies in a pair crash?
  190. Converting commissions to pips: I am doing this right?
  191. Portfolio Analysis
  192. Number of Bars
  193. Cyprus banks having problems. So what about brokers?
  194. how to use the data at the forum for trading?
  195. Brokers who fit this criteria
  196. Where can I find good charts for forex
  197. What do you do while you wait for the next bar to finish?
  198. Like an ATM! Think again...
  199. NYSE eliminating Stop Orders
  200. Major discrepancy between 200 SMA calculations
  201. Need Help on MACD
  202. Can a regulator really protect us? See this letter
  203. Trading Smart Money
  204. Avoiding news affecting one currency by trading another
  205. How profitable are you?
  206. Currency indices - basic thoughts
  207. Flashback to 1992
  208. USDPLN instead of USDRUB?
  209. Performance History Analysis Excel Spreadsheet
  210. A question about correlation and pairs to trade?
  211. Handling Client Money
  212. Demo testing before live action at almost the same time?
  213. A quick question about overbought/sold in MACD
  214. Using fibonacci
  215. Sends an email every hour of current price?
  216. Advantages of quotpropquot desks?
  217. Has anyone ever attempted to trade every move on the market?
  218. Trend analysis and EUR USD JPY AUD trade setups
  219. Question about margin in use when hedging
  220. Saxo Bank or Dukascopy
  221. Uptick rule for currencies?
  222. World debt and who they owe money to
  223. Plotting Trendlines plus Support Resistance
  224. How many trades in a week
  225. Volumes traded in the Euro?
  226. Is it good use high or low leverage as a beginner?
  227. AUD traders thread
  228. London Calling . . . Various egies focusing on London Open
  229. Best trading movies ever!!
  230. Do you believe this market is random?
  231. Tax on forex gains in Australia meant for immediate disposal
  232. Can someone fill my limit order even if price doesnt hit the specified limit?
  233. Abbreviations List
  234. FXAnalytics thread Horribly davestating....
  235. Traders Code
  236. Good places to start for trading knowledge
  237. Observations Of A Newbie Trader
  238. What are your most common mistakes?
  239. 5% calculation in Oanda
  240. 30 second EURJPY Tokyo Open scalping
  241. Long Wicked Bar Candles...
  242. Insight for newbies: Look Before Diving Into a System
  243. just some burning questions i had for a while
  244. Trade what you have, take responsibility, and enjoy the consequences
  245. Best Strategy that always double my Initial balance weekly
  246. Excel simple risk calculator needed
  247. A simple martingale system?
  248. How Did George soros withdrew the money when he made 1 million?
  249. Everything looks great on testing?
  250. financial advisor vs stockbroker