McGrew MACD and Other discussions - Page 2
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Thread: McGrew MACD and Other discussions

  1. #11
    Mr. Whipple,

    In all fairness, I have never discussed trading the MACD Dots with you personally. I also have never seen the VT code and therefore cannot vouch for it's authenticity as it was presumably converted in Easy Language. I suspect that if I had 30 minutes of the time to show you how the machine should be traded you would have a more positive prognosis. I possess a 62 page PDF which describes how I trade.

    Best regards,

  2. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Mr. Whipple,

    In all fairness, I have never discussed trading that the MACD Dots with you personally. I also have never noticed the VT code and so can not vouch for it's authenticity when it was presumably converted in Easy Language. I suspect that when I had 30 minutes of the time to show you how the machine ought to be traded you would have a more favorable outlook. In addition, I possess a 62 page PDF which explains how I trade.

    Best regards,
    Thanx for your 30min.

  3. #13
    Rob's EMA and Phil's indior are all related?

  4. #14
    No they aren't. The code has EMAs inside to determine the current trend and I would argue that additional EMAs are not necessary. Rob has EMAs? Are there any amounts left for the rest of us?

  5. #15
    I envision your system has had an overhaul or two because you pulled it back to commercial. Can you post a copy of the model that was free for us to evaluate? Mcgrew-lite to create two??? or an addict

    Never mind. Just read your article.

  6. #16
    Jersey Devil,

    While I appreciate your offer I am likely to decline for many reasons:

    1. Dumbing down the code is not likely to supply you the very best chance of success and it certainly would not put the system capabilites from the very best light.
    2. I have clumsily stepped on a couple feet ensuring that the code is not publically posted. To do so today would certainly qualify me for a solid beating.
    3. It would not be fair to people who have paid for the machine and also the chance to learn it properly.
    4. Without spending a while with you it is improbable that you would be able to use the code into the fullest extent possible.

    In case you've got additional questions contact me personally.

    Best regards,

  7. #17
    If I can chime in hear without getting a beating of my own, I would like to state for the record that it is my humble opinion that there is only 1 way to get the full advantage of using Phil's system. And that way is to receive your aid. If you find a dumbed-down variant of this somewhere, it is ideal to ignore it. It's like finding a copy of the Stochastics with one of the lines missing or something.

  8. #18
    I have slpit this thread off of BGX, since BGX is not a part of this and is not being discussed of late. This will allow discussion of both topics...

    Here is the Bunnygirl Cross

    Thanks Scott

  9. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    Jersey Devil,

    While I appreciate your offer I am likely to decline for many reasons:

    1. Dumbing down the code is not likely to offer you the best chance of succeeding and it certainly wouldn't put the system capabilites from the best light.
    2. I have stepped on a couple feet ensuring the code is not publically posted. To do so now would certainly qualify me for a sound beating.
    3. It wouldn't be fair to people who have paid for the system and also the chance to learn it correctly.
    4. Without spending a while with you it is unlikely that you would be able to use the code into the fullest extent possible.

    In case you've got additional questions contact me.

    Best regards,
    No problem. I had been assuming there was a gap between what you shared freely and what you currently sell. Maybe there's not, and should your response is clear.

  10. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by ;
    If I could chime in hear without getting a beating of my own, I would like to state for the record that it is my humble opinion that there's only one method to find the full benefit of using Phil's system. And that method is to receive your help from Phil. If you find a dumbed-down variant of it somewhere, it is ideal to ignore it. It's like finding a replica of this Stochastics with one of the lines missing or something.
    Drawing on someones encounter with anything in life is going to be quicker than having to learn it all on your own. ligent people can figure things out, and with all due respect, I'm sure we can comprehend his system without the handholding. That's not what folks in your company want to hear, but luckily for you not everybody feels the way I do.

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